When is the last time you felt truly inspired?

Inspiration is all around us but we are moving too quickly to stop and notice the creative nudges trying to get our attention. Most of us can’t remember the last time we carved out time to be still, to be fully present, to listen for the voice of God. It’s recognizing this deep need that spurs us on to create space specifically for women to come away for a little while to be with God, and with each other. It’s this passion for tending the hearts and souls of women, that inspires us to hold the door for you to experience the gifts of retreat.

The work we do, the words we say, and the art we make comes from what is inside us, but paying attention to what’s rumbling in our spirit takes time, it takes getting quiet away from our regularly scheduled life to sit still and listen. Retreat is an invitation to come awake to God, and to yourself . It’s an opportunity to discover just how high, and how wide, how deep, and how long, are the depths of God’s love for you (Ephesians 3:18). We’ve been practicing regular retreats for over 10 years. We have watched women awaken to this wonder year after year. God’s loving refining is life-changing. It’s this TRUTH that drives everything we do.

Come experience it for yourself.

Are you ready to flourish?

The door is open to you—

What are you waiting for?