Do I have to be an artist or writer to attend Refine?

No. Refine makes space for women of all interests. Whatever your vocation, you are welcome and encouraged to join us.

Will The sessions be recorded/live streamed?

No. Because Refine is a retreat, the sessions and experiences there are unique and private for the attendees. Every aspect of Refine is designed with the specific attendees in mind. We encourage you to join us in the flesh to enjoy the whole Refine experience. 

What denomination is Refine {the retreat} affiliated with?

Refine is an ecumenical gathering of women from a variety of Christian communities. We practice the mutual building up and encouragement of our faith, while embracing the grace and freedom Paul writes about in Romans 14. You can read more about our shared statement of faith.

What ages are the women who attend Refine?

The women who regularly attend Refine range from their 20’s-70’s, with the average age being predominantly between 40’s-60’s.

Can I bring my nursing baby/ small child?

No. We love our babies, and we understand the struggle of trying to get away while caring for small children, but due to the nature of this event, as well as the policy of the retreat house, no one under 18 is permitted to attend.

What kind of clothes should I pack?

Comfortable ones. We encourage you to dress for comfort and for the weather.  

Can you accommodate for food allergies?

Yes--if they are medically necessary. Please be sure to let us know upon registration if you have any food allergies. Accommodations for this cannot be made once you arrive at the retreat. 

Do I need to bring my own toiletries?

Yes. Because Refine is not held at a hotel, you are responsible for bringing your own toiletries. Towels and sheets are provided by the facility. 

Is my ticket refundable?

No. Tickets to Refine are non-refundable, regardless of circumstances. Registration may be transferred to another person up to 30 days before the start date of the retreat. Due to registration details, no ticket transfers will be accepted after that point. Ticket transfers are for the specific event of your registration and cannot be made towards future Retreats. If you sell/transfer your ticket, you must let the organizers know at the time of transfer. Email info@refineretreat.com

Are my travel expenses included in the cost?

No. Attendees are fully responsible for their own travel arrangements and costs to and from the retreat. Your registration does include use of our airport shuttle from the Columbus Ohio airport only. In order to use our shuttle service, you need to arrive in Columbus on the Thursday of the retreat by 11AM and your departing flight on Sunday, must be after 5PM from Columbus airport, however, please note that space on our shuttle is limited to a first come-first served basis, and that in the event that a registered attendee scheduled to use the shuttle arrives late, they will be responsible for securing their own transportation to the retreat.

Is there a scholarship if I cannot afford the whole ticket price?

Possibly. Scholarships depend on donations. We will always offer scholarships when possible. To apply for a scholarship, click HERE.

Can I bring my husband/boyfriend with me to Refine?

No. Refine {the retreat} is an adult women's event (ages 18 and up). 


Please note


Due to the nature of this event and the limitations of the facility, attendees with special needs should contact us before registering, to determine if we will be able to provide the kinds of accommodations that may be necessary for your comfort. 


**In the unfortunate circumstance that Refine {the retreat} must be cancelled or postponed, attendees will have the option to transfer tickets to a future event.



Have more questions? Contact us and we will get back to you as quickly as possible!