Visio Divina
Jacob van Ruisdael | Forest Scene, c. 1655
Visio Divina
Visio Divina comes from the Latin, meaning “Divine seeing”. The practice of Visio Divina is simply a way of engaging your eyes in prayer. If you’re new to this practice, that’s ok. It’s quite simple. Use the reflection questions below to help you engage with this painting as you enjoy time in God’s presence.
Take a few quiet moments to simply observe the painting. Let your eyes travel the landscape from the foreground to the background. Take note of what you are drawn to, what colors, or textures interest you? Where does your eye settle when you look at the painting? What thoughts come to mind as you focus on that particular part of the painting?
Read this portion of Psalm 91 below:
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”
Psalm 91:1-2 NIV
Jacob van Ruisdael’s Forrest Scene offers a gentle balance of light and dark places. The light in the foreground of the painting shifts as your eye travels deeper into the woods in the background. Consider how these changes in light reflect your own spiritual journey with Jesus. As you reflect on the light/dark in the painting, and the portion of Psalm 91 above, think about where you would situate yourself if you were inside this painting.
Why did you choose that particular space to locate yourself?
How does your imagined location in the panting reflect where you are spiritually in this season?
Where do you need God to be your refuge in your life right now?
What emotions are stirred in you as you reflect on this painting? What does this serene scene provoke in you? What mood would you assign to the painting? Consider why you choose that one…
Is there anything in this painting that represents an obstacle to rest to you?
Spend some time praying through your responses, and the things that are coming to mind as you re-read Psalm 91 and reflect on the painting.
Close your time with a prayer of gratitude for the work God is doing in you and in your life in this season.