Refine {the retreat}

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Come To Me, All Who Are Weary

Come to Me all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart; and YOU SHALL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For my yoke is easy and My load is light.

~Matthew 11:28-30 NASB

I don’t know how many times I had read this particular scripture before I decided one day to look up the original translation of these verses from the Greek. I remember looking this passage up specifically, because I was miles-deep into a season of re-orienting myself to what I believe is true about Jesus. I’d been studying and reading numerous books on spiritual practices, spiritual formation and considering what it is to walk in the “long obedience” of going in the same direction. What I am saying is, I was so tired, and I was aching for soul-rest.

I’ve always found this verse to be somewhat enigmatic. What does Jesus mean exactly, when He invites us to take His yoke upon ourselves? How is that going to usher in rest? I think more often than not, I’d read this passage with a shrug, deciding that while it sounded nice, it made no real sense to me, and I would just move on.

But then I looked it up and my eyes were opened to a different interpretation of it than I had previously considered.

So let’s begin with the question: How can Jesus be our rest? This was the question I wanted answered.

In the above quote, you’ll see some words highlighted in bold. These word are the specific highlights found in this passage in my NASB Hebrew-Greek Bible. Below, I will share this passage re-written, with these highlighted words translated as close to their original meanings as I could find in my search.

Come to Me all who are weary and overly burdened with ceremony, or who are spiritually anxious, and I will refresh you. Carry my My yoke upon you and learn by studying and observing me, for I am gentle and humble of heart; and YOU SHALL DISCOVER REST FOR YOUR SOULS from oppression or torment. For my yoke has nothing harsh or galling about it, and My precepts and requirements are the antithesis to the burdens, and ceremonial observances rigorously enacted and increased by human traditions.

Whew. I feel like that passage could have been written five minutes ago for it’s relevancy in this current day.

So here’s another question:

What requirements or burdens have I absorbed in living out my faith that are causing me spiritual anxiety and making it hard for me to simply rest in Jesus?

This question is well-worth entertaining and spending some time praying through. This particular passage translated, can serve as an encouragement as we re-evaluate those things that might be keeping us from really resting IN Jesus.

As you engage with the book of Psalms and the playlists curated for your box, a you spend time in quiet prayer and reflection, savoring a mug of tea and some warm socks on your feet, I pray that you will ask Jesus to help you identify those things that make resting in Him difficult for you.

I pray that in identifying those things, you will be able to release them, and find yourself firmly, and tenderly held in Jesus. Come as you are. You don’t need to do anything or be anything you are not to relax in His presence.